We didnt get to bed until 11:30, then had to get up at 3:30 am and were on the freeway by 4:00 am. Nyla slept the whole way up which made the trip easier for sure! She had her physical, and passed thankfully!! She was 14.0 Kilos and 41.5 inches tall. Lungs, ears, and sinuses were all clear. They gave her a medicine that made her very loopy and then took her back in a little wagon. No tears at all, it was nice. The anesthesiologist visited with us before hand and told us that with asthmatics, they expect an asthma attack when they intubate, so she gave her a double dose of steroids and a breathing treatment before intubating her to help ward off the attack; which worked! She didnt have any issues with her lungs during the surgery!!
The dentist did 5 crowns and filled 4 cavities. He also said he scraped of some stuff that was on a few of her other teeth that would cause cavities. It wasnt plaque, but I cant remember what he called it.
Once she was breathing on her own they came and got me to be with her while she woke. Her nose was bleeding from the breathing tube and her oxygen kept dipping into the 80s but other than that she was doing perfect. She woke up slowly and realized that there was an IV in her foot, and she was NOT happy about it. She wanted it out so bad. Once she woke up her oxygen stayed up and we were discharged.
We left the hospital feeling like a huge weight had been lifted!! I am so so soooo glad that is over. due to the anesthetic, she slept most of the way home.
So far she hasnt had much pain. Only a few times she has told me they hurt and I give her Mortin and she is fine. She did wake crying several times last night and she was very congested. I dont know if its a side effect from something to do with the surgery or if she is getting sick again now that she is off antibiotics.
She is doing well this morning :)
Here are some pictures:
In the Pre-Op room:
Still sleeping:
Her poor foot she was so upset about:
Trying hard to wake:
so glad everything went well! I know this is a huge weight off your mind and now something you can put behind you...